Dr Sandra Krishnan Logo
Dr Sandra Krishnan Logo

For Patients: Urgent Appointment - Message here or Call (02) 9467 5400

For Referrers:   1. Upload referral here

                             2. Healthlink EDI: ang7sana     

      3.  Argus: argusdocs@specialistsurgeon.com.au

                 4. Medical Objects

We Are a Covid Safe Practice

Your Safety

Your safety is always our number one priority and since the beginning of the pandemic we have implement several important changes to improve our patients safety.

These changes are listed below:

For Patients Safety

All patients are

  • Screened by phone the day before attending
  • Asked to come by themselves, unless they need a support person (eg if elderly or from a non-English-speaking background)
  • No permitted any extra visitors are asked not to stay in the waiting room (there is a coffee shop nearby)
  • Required to complete forms online, so they don’t need to use paper or pens on-site
  • Asked to scan or take pictures of their referral/ reports/ paperwork and send to the office by email
  • Asked to make payments online to avoid using EFTPOS terminals

Attending our Rooms

  • All visitors are required to use face masks during their visits
  • All visitors are asked to use hand sanitiser at the reception desk
  • We advise all patients in the waiting room to maintain social distancing, and chairs have been reduced and spaced out
  • Custom built perspex screen for reception desk has been installed with a custom wrap-around Perspex screen to protect patients and staff
  • We have removed magazines from the waiting room

Our Staff

Staff perform the following tasks

  • Deep cleaning - whole consulting room cleaned between each and every patient
  • Temperature checks for every single person that enters the building

Staff are also required to:

  • Wear custom surgical scrubs
  • Use keyboards and mice that are cleaned between every patient
  • Use perspex covers have been made for tissue boxes
  • Use custom made rubbish and used-instruments bins are managed through an opening in the built-in desktop

Our Medical Staff

  • Wear full PPE (personal protective equipment)

Our Rooms

  • We have built a new sterilisation room to ensure the highest possible level of patient safety
  • Our Air is negative pressure air conditioning for our consulting rooms where fresh air is drawn from outside in to the consulting rooms
  • Hospital-grade HEPA ultrafiltration with more than 20 Air changes per hour with air purifying respirators (PAPR)
  • Custom-built easy-clean furniture and airtight cupboards that are waterproof and easy to clean.

Our Theatres

  • Our Theatres use PAPR units. These allow our doctors and staff to operate with complete safety.
  • Sterile instruments are only brought in to the consulting room on an individual patient basis
  • Wherever possible, disposable instruments are used
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